Dear readers,

As you read this issue of the Galenika Medical Journal, you will notice a new editorial concept. The editorial board has decided that each issue will feature one main theme, occupying half of the content. The other half will cover various topics relevant to different medical fields. The main theme of this issue is pain medicine.

Pain is a problem as old as medicine itself, yet it remains equally relevant today. In this issue of the journal, we aimed to shed light on pain from the perspectives of various medical specialties and provide information that can be useful in our readers’ practices. This issue features articles by experts from different specialties involved in the field of pain medicine. Associate Prof. Dr Ana Azanjac Arsić from the University of Kragujevac introduced definitions, classifications, and treatments of neuropathic pain. Prof. Dr Miroslava Pjević, an anesthesiologist and pioneer in the field in Serbia, authored a paper on pharmacotherapy for chronic noncancer pain in adults. Internist-oncologist Dr. Teodora Bagi from Subotica General Hospital prepared a paper on the specifics of cancer pain treatment. Prof. Dr Snežana Tomašević-Todorović, a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Novi Sad, provided insights into complex regional pain syndrome. Dr. Katarina Vagić, a physiatrist-rheumatologist and subspecialist in pain medicine, discussed contemporary diagnostic and treatment options for lumbar syndrome.

In addition to the aforementioned articles in the field of pain medicine, this issue of our journal also includes original scientific papers of clinical pharmacologists: Ass. Dr Nikola V. Rosić and Prof. Dr Slobodan Janković from the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac (an article on the population pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in hemodialysis patients). Cardiologist Dr. Šejla Cerić and Prof. Dr Edin Begić from the Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo presented research on myocardial uptake of radiotracers in patients undergoing skeletal scintigraphy. Ass. Dr Jelena Janković, internist, discussed hemoptysis as a warning sign of pulmonary and extrapulmonary diseases. Review articles by prominent experts in their fields enrich this issue’s content: Prof. Dr Nedeljko Radlović, a distinguished figure in Serbian pediatrics, discussed gastrointestinal lactose intolerance. Prof. Dr Aleksandar Milovanović, a specialist in occupational medicine, shed light on COVID-19 as an occupational disease, providing insights from experienced professionals and experts. Additionally, two leading surgeons have contributed to the quality of this issue with their extensive personal experience and illustrated with original photographs: Prof. Dr Aleksandar Karamarković, from the University Clinical Center “Zvezdara“ (UKBC), explored the significance of the Glissonian approach and the role of the Laennec’s capsule concept in anatomical liver resections. Prof. Dr Vladan Živaljević, from the Clinic for Endocrine Surgery at the University Clinical Center of Serbia (UKCS), discussed intraoperative neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery.

In upcoming issues, we will focus on topics within the field of child healthcare, followed by obesity, oncology, and other issues that can be examined from various specialty perspectives.

Write and submit your papers electronically to The call for submissions is open throughout the year, and the best papers will be financially rewarded.

Enjoy pleasant summer days reading the journal, available through the publishing and distribution efforts of Galenika pharmaceutical company.


Dear colleagues,

GALENIKA, one of the strongest brands that has worthily represented the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Serbia for decades, is taking a step further, with a great desire to help developing a strong professional opinion within the healthcare of the patients.

We are aware that stormy times bring great challenges, especially for those who bravely stand on the front lines of the joint struggle and for that reason, we decided to support the creation of a new scientific journal as a general sponsor, intended to you, who selflessly invest effort and knowledge in preserving the health of our population every day.

We firmly believe in the idea that professionalism has no alternative and that only by relying on evidence-based medicine can be victory over every existing and future health challenge.As a company, that for decades has a recognizable and inseparable role at the daily level of your professional practice, together, we can resist every disease or condition of our patients, without asking about hours, days, weeks and years of dedication, but focused on striving for the health benefits of each individual.

Today, we want to help more than ever, we want to make reference medical data available to every healthcare worker in our country, on their native language.We decided to succeed on that path,regardless about the level of effort we will put into this mission.

Thanks to the courage and professional capacity of the Academy for Continuing Medical Education, the GALENIKA MEDICAL JOURNAL is born. The scientific newsletter of the Academy for Continuing Medical Education.We strongly believe that this unique professional literature will be a useful support for your further professional development.

This is our way of saying


Your Galenika